Velo notturno consacrato

11 ottobre 2023

Ciao, avventuriero!

Nightveil Hallow returns as Baalphazu, Marquis of Terror rises once again on October 18 until November 14. Rispedisci il demone nell’oscurità, indossa costumi eccezionali e chiedi “Dolcetto o scherzetto?” per ricevere nuove caramelle come ricompensa. Puoi anche acquistare oggetti specifici dell’evento, sia nuovi che già visti, nel negozio dell'evento.


Transform into some of your favorite characters like Captain Thorpe to celebrate the spooky season. Costumes can be obtained for the duration of the event from Town centerpieces and Baalphazu. Here’s the full selection:

  • Capitano Thorpe

  • Adiana

  • Anubian Reaver

  • Lost Monarch

“Thematically costumes were very fitting for Nightveil,” said System Designer Joel Clift. “Personally I look forward to role playing as Thorpe in the open world and murdering a few denizens of Aeternum. Costumes also open up many doors to create even more memorable interactions in the future.”


Once you’re in costume, search each town for hidden Treat Baskets. These have a chance to contain new Baalphazu armor pieces (10% chance), 2 Nightveil Tokens (3 times daily), and a new item—candy. This limited-time consumable comes in 4 flavors. Visit multiple Treat Baskets to discover what surprises linger behind every bite.

Items marked with daily limits will reset at 5 AM local time. For example, if a player grabs their third set of Nightveil Tokens from Treat Baskets at 4:58 AM, they’ll be able to earn another at 5:01 AM.

“I wanted to embrace the aspect of ‘Trick-or-Treat’ and get silly with the item design,“ said Joel. ”Some may help you greatly with event activities while others may have unexpected consequences. I can’t wait to see the stories and interactions that come from these small additions.“


Forme nella nebbia! Grida nella notte! Il demone Baalphazu, Marchese del Terrore, e la sua orda di macabri Zuccamostri stanno infestando le strade di Aeternum! Aiuta Salvatore il folle a scacciare questi incubi viventi e ottieni ricompense del Velo notturno a tempo limitato.

The Level 66 world boss is back with a vengeance. Join large groups of Adventurers to defeat Baalphazu for new armor pieces (5 times daily), costumes (3 times daily), and Ichor.

Learn more about Baalphazu’s design, lore, Al, and audio, plus insight into each asset of the event. Daremo anche uno sguardo ai primi concept art del Velo notturno consacrato prima che Baalphazu possa gettare l’ombra su Aeternum.

Quest Reward: Deposito del Velo notturno consacrato

Salvatore the Mad can be found at any Cauldron throughout the towns of Aeternum. Bring him Ichor to prove your victory over Baalphazu and finish the Nightveil Hallow questline. Upon completion, you’ll receive the Nightveil Hallow Cache:

  • 5 Nightveil Tokens

  • 2 Random Nightveil Hallow weapon patterns

  • Access to the Nightveil Sentinel section of the Event Shop

Ichor Exchange: Nascondiglio del Calderone del velo notturno

Collect additional Ichor from Baalphazu to net additional rewards. Salvatore will give you 1 Nightveil Cauldron Cache in exchange for each Ichor. Every cache contains multiple Nightveil Tokens and more:

  • 7-13 Nightveil Tokens

  • 1 Random Nightveil Hallow weapon pattern

  • Coin Bag (3 times daily)

  • 1 White Gypsum

Nightveil Hallow Event Shop

Use your Nightveil Tokens at the Event Shop to purchase new and returning Nightveil Hallow rewards. Thwart Baalphazu across the Eternal Island, collect Ichor, collect Nightveil Tokens, and then reap these event-specific spoils:

New Event Shop Rewards

  • Basket of Treats Housing Item

  • Chiropetera’s Cowl Cowl (Helm Skin)

  • Druid’s Headdress (Helm Skin)

  • Necromancer’s Crown (Helm Skin)

  • Crone Visage (Helm Skin)

  • Throne of the Hollow (Furniture Item)

  • Baalphazu’s Offering (Furniture Item)

  • Summoning Circle (Furniture Item)

  • Tremble in Fear (Emote)

  • Possessed Walk (Joel’s Favorite Emote)

    • “Walk around like the thing from a bad horror movie”

  • Hexed Canopy Tent Skin

  • Updated Nightveil Weapon Patterns

Returning Event Shop Rewards

  • Emote Piroetta scheletrica

  • Docile Pumpklin Housing Item

  • Baalphazu’s Mantle Armor

  • Jack-o-Lantern’s Smile (Helm Skin)

  • Baalphazu’s Cowl Head Piece

  • The Pride of the Witch Hat

  • Slithering Skull Head Piece

For more Nightveil Hallow, check out our deep dive into the event’s development. Grazie per il vostro supporto! We’ll see you in the dark corners of Aeternum.
