Background game scene


392 KB
143 KB
185 KB

Standard Edition

185 KB

Free PC Update on Oct. 15

PC Players who purchased the New World base game and the Rise of the Angry Earth PC Expansion will get a free update when New World: Aeternum releases, which will include all content in New World: Aeternum.


Elysian Edition

  • New World (base game)

  • Rise of the Angry Earth (PC Expansion)

    • A new threat looms over once-familiar lands. Wield a new weapon, new ability, and new allies in the form of rideable mounts to fight a growing menace that threatens to consume all of Aeternum!

* The Rise of the Angry Earth (PC Expansion) content is included in New World: Aeternum.


Rise of the Angry Earth

PC Expansion


A new threat looms over once-familiar lands. Wield a new weapon, new ability, and new allies in the form of rideable mounts to fight a growing menace that threatens to consume all of aeternum! Learn More

* This PC content requires the New World base game in order to play.

* Content in the Rise of the Angry Earth PC expansion is included in New World: Aeternum.