Costruzione di Aeternum

12 dicembre 2019

Quando abbiamo deciso di creare Aeternum, abbiamo immaginato un paesaggio ricco di diversità e contrasti. Un ambiente sconfinato in cui coesistono una favolosa bellezza naturale ed elementi soprannaturali. Abbiamo fatto ampio uso della concept art per perfezionare il tono e l'atmosfera che intendevamo ottenere. Ecco alcuni esempi dei primi lavori.

A fort containing many small establishments, an armed explorer chats with a merchant in the foreground
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An explorer in a large hat examines a large and mysterious structure built of stone
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The entrance to a cliff has enormous characters carved in. These weathered statues have bodies with horns protruding from the shoulders, but no longer have heads.
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An archer surveys the snowy wilderness
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The sun sets upon stone obelisks. These monuments have faces and are taller than the pine trees.
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A skeleton with a sparkling hazy glow tramples through the wilderness.
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