Season of Conquerors

January 20, 2025
Background game scene
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New World: Aeternum Season of the Conquerors downtime will begin at 5:00 a.m. PT (1:00 p.m. UTC) on January 21 and last approximately 2 hours.

What’s New in Season 7?

Seasonal Worlds: A Fresh Start

Introducing Seasonal Worlds, a brand-new system that reimagines the Aeternum experience with unique game rules, items, and abilities each season.

Season 7 Seasonal World Theme: PvP
  • Players flag for PvP starting at Level 15.

  • Discover new resources and gear with powerful perks—but beware, these items drop upon death.

  • At the end of the season, Seasonal Worlds will close, and players can transfer their characters to a permanent world of their choice.

New Outpost Rush Map “Coral Divide” Preview Weekend

Get a sneak peek at the brand new Outpost Rush map “Coral Divide” during a special preview weekend. A central trench divides the battlefield and houses NPCs. Build bridges to create new pathways, opening up strategic opportunities for your team.

M3 Expedition Upgrades

Explore endgame PvE content with significant changes to improve your dungeon runs:

  • Unified Mutations: Use one gear loadout across all M3 mutated expeditions.

  • Activity Finder Integration: Matchmake for M3 Expeditions seamlessly.

  • Upgraded Rewards: Conquer challenges and collect better loot than ever before.

Bug fixes for Expeditions include:
  • Resolved AI movement issues (e.g., Wind Chill interaction with Nereid).

  • Fixed targeting issues for the Void Destroyer in Tempest Heart.

  • Improved mechanics and enemy interactions across all expeditions.

Artifacts: Collect Powerful New Weapons and Gear

Season 7 introduces several new artifacts with unique abilities to enhance your arsenal:

  • Void Gauntlet: Fracture - Heal 100% more health and deal 50% more damage with Essence Rupture. Unlock by defeating Tribunal Ice Mammoth, Ipomoea, and 20 Frozen Varangians in the Glacial Tarn.

  • Life Staff: Heceta - Grant -30% damage absorption with Light Touch after casting a Life Staff ability. Complete the Heceta Canyon Questline to unlock.

  • Ice Gauntlet: Otzi - Inflict Frostburn by breaking Entomb, slowing enemies and dealing damage over time. Found in Icewood Caverns by defeating Frostbound Howler.

  • Fire Staff: Burnatator - Sacrifice damage for increased burn effects (15% over 5 seconds). Collect Ember Flames in Scorched Dunes.

  • Bow: Aconite - Deal 15% more damage to poisoned enemies. Unlock via the Venom Questline in Jungle Wilds.

  • Rapier: Dorgort’s Blade - Apply stacking burn effects with heavy melee attacks. Defeat Dorgort in the Volcanic Lair to earn Lava Tip.

  • Earring: Justice - Automatically recharge healing potions after 20 hits (90-second cooldown). Complete the Alchemist Trials in the Forbidden Labs.

  • Musket: Shrapnel - Cause enemies to bleed on headshots. Earn by defeating the War Machine Captain in Ashen Barracks.

Seasonal Events

Enjoy in-game events throughout Season 7:

  • Siege of Sulfur: Team up with 10+ max-level players to defend sandwurm eggs from waves of Sulfur Elementals.

  • Legacy of Crassus: Battle Crassus and his cyclopean minions to claim upleveled rewards up to Gear Score 700.

  • Rabbit’s Revenge: Hunt mischievous corrupted rabbits for exciting loot in this fan-favorite event.

Season Pass Rewards

Unlock exclusive rewards with the Season 7 Pass, featuring Free and Premium Tracks.

Free Track:

  • Hercyne-themed tool skins, mask skins, and tent skins

  • New artifacts: Otzi and Heceta

  • Transmog Tokens, dyes, and consumables

Premium Track (20,000 Marks of Fortune):

  • Everything in the Free Track, plus Hercyne-themed weapon and armor skins

  • Two new emotes, four Transmog Tokens, and rare resources

  • Additional boosters and dyes

Combat Updates


  • Fixed bugs where the AI cannot hit the player when the player performs certain actions such as crawling, looting, harvesting, or using emotes.

  • In Daichi Solo Trial, the duration of subtitles has been adjusted.

  • Baalphazu Intro voiceover line is now working.

  • Simon Grey subtitles no longer overlap during the Amrine Excavation.

  • Prince Liang subtitles no longer disappear early during the Tormented Prince Soul Trial.

  • Fixed an issue with Ancient Guardian Javelineers retreating behind obstacles and generally retreating too often.

  • Fixed an issue where Corrupted Captain Thorpe could knock players back for a longer duration than intended when performing his phase transition animation.

  • Fixed an issue where Boars could sometimes fail to respond to damage from distant ranged attacks.

  • Improved AI turning to be smoother and less likely to snap its turns.

  • Fixed an issue where a flashing effect would sometimes occur shortly after dodging one of Corrupted Captain Thorpe’s attacks.

  • Fixed an issue in the Legacy of the Sands Soul Trial where Malek could periodically render with an incorrect texture.

  • Fixed an issue where certain Corrupted characters were not playing their intended spawn animations.

  • Fixed an issue where Lost Gravediggers would not fully deplete their Stamina when staggered by Heavy Attacks and certain Abilities.

  • Fixed an issue where a Player’s character could have two Unstable Mutator icons present in their Status Effects.


  • Fixed an issue in the Trial of the Devourer where Shah Neshen the Devourer sometimes hit players on the wrong side when performing its Bite attacks.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed some large bosses such as Nereid to be pushed by certain abilities.

  • Fixed an issue where one of Archdeacon Azamela’s attacks was a valid target for Enemy Target Lock.

  • Fixed an issue that Empress Zhou’s swipe attack will miss the players who are prone in front of her.

  • Fixed an issue where Hercyne Spiders were more difficult to navigate around than intended.

  • Fixed an issue where Empress Zhou, in "A Mother's Dream" Soul Trial, would become unresponsive if using the Ice Pylon ability.

  • Fixed the target lock position for Medusa in Soul Trial.

  • Fixed an issue where Anpu in The Ennead could sometimes pass through Obelisks during Burning Charge without being staggered.

  • Fixed an issue where Archdeacon Azamela could sometimes fail to spawn the Corrupted Monoliths and become invulnerable until the encounter was reset.

  • Fixed an issue where Mammoths in Savage Divide would sometimes destroy gatherable resources before players could harvest them.

  • Fixed an issue where in quest “Eternal Frost”, where Mordred would sometimes attack the player after the fight had ended.

  • Fixed an issue where the Ancient Taskmaster in Glacial Tarn sometimes retreat incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue where Mahantaram in Savage Divide had an incorrect target lock position.

  • Fixed an issue where Medusa could not consistently hit players through petrified Hercyne. In addition, Medusa can now shatter petrified Hercyne with several of her melee attacks.

  • Fixed an issue where Admiral Blackpowder's Cannon Rain line attack would sometimes not deal damage.

  • Yonas subtitles no longer disappear too quickly in The Last Soul Warden Soul Trial.

  • Fixed incorrect knockback and double hit on Earth Ripper projectiles for Kurok.

  • Fixed an issue preventing elemental Conduits from taking damage from status effects in the Savage Divide Expedition.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause AI reactions to not play correctly.

  • Fixed an issue causing Typhon to sometimes remain in Phase 2 arena when Phase 3 is initiated.

Elite POI

  • Fixed an issue with the Spire of Melpomene trial where the Siren Queen's spell, Ball Lightning, was not functioning as intended during Phase 2 or beyond.


  • Fixed an issue allowing players to push themselves out of the preparation phase barrier in game modes like Invasions using structures like the burning oil vat.

Outpost Rush

  • Matchmaking now updates your MMR based on personal score instead of just wins/losses

  • Updated OPR shop offerings:

    • Added a new buildable wall for adding cover, the Bulwark

    • Added Regen potion

    • Added Cleansing Elixer

  • Fixed an issue with Outpost Rush Baroness’ attacks where they would sometimes deal incorrect damage and cause a large reaction.

  • Added text to Zephyr Cakes indicating that they also grant health restoration.

  • Fixed an issue with some map information being inaccurate after leaving an Outpost Rush match.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to jump up the wall of the Luna outpost.

  • Fixed an issue causing Outpost Rush turrets to break if the player was damaged as they entered the turret.

  • Added a 25% scoring bonus for fighting near capture points in Outpost Rush.

  • Optimized world collision to reduce excessive invisible walls in Outpost Rush.

  • Fixed an issue where capture points in OPR briefly showed the wrong team color when being captured.

  • Dismounting from mount in Outpost Rush no longer breaks the music and causes open world territory music to play.


  • Fixed a spawning/respawning issue in Arena where players could spawn in mid-air or on top of each other.


  • Fixed tooltips for siege weapons sometimes showing incorrect information.


  • Fixed an issue where players would not revive properly from death at the end of a duel in some cases.


  • Fixed an issue where the Ultimate Combat Trophy effect could be cleansed from the player.

  • Fixed an issue where killing another player in PvP wouldn't always play a sound effect.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent other players from showing their Grit VFX.

  • Open world PvP kills will now count towards PvP kill count related achievements.

  • Fixed an issue with some attacks being able to stand the player up into collision from prone.

  • Fixed an issue where the unsheathe could be cancelled early into an emote causing the player to hold a weapon in their hands while emoting. Can no longer cancel an unsheathe early to trigger an emote, and the emote will just queue for after the unsheathe.

  • The inventory screen will no longer auto-close when taking damage unless that damage applies a stagger, interrupt, or stun, etc.

  • Fixed an issue where some thrusting attacks could hit enemies behind the character.

  • Fixed an issue where the Player's character would automatically stand up after engaging the sleep command.

  • Fixed an issue where unarmed punch animations would stutter sometimes.

  • Fixed an issue where, after relogging, the player could walk through collision globally on all platforms.

  • Non target-locked AoE spells are now spawned at the position where the Spell Cast Indicator was last placed, not where the camera is pointing by the end of the spell cast state.

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent attacks while blocking.

  • Fixed an issue where rolling past a target locked character/object would also cause the player to crouch unintentionally.

  • Fixed an issue on gamepad where a Player could not perform ability 1 while holding the Heavy Attack input.

  • Fixed a rare issue with projectiles being able to pass through walls if the player stood very close to a wall with the camera angled exactly right.

  • Fixed an issue where skipping Death's Door and going right to the dead state would not clear out player velocity.

  • Fixed an issue where Player to Player collision could be out of sync causing desyncs.

  • Aiming the Camera high up when casting Meteor Shower and Rain of Arrows now casts spells successfully instead of failing with no explanation.

  • Reduced the springiness of player camera when locked onto targets to help with fast and rapidly moving targets causing nausea.

  • Fixed an issue with players having the wrong amount of health when playing the intro to the game.

  • Fixed an issue where the player is unable to attack for a short period after trying to switch to an empty weapon slot.

  • Fixed an issue where the player movement does not animate when performing both weapon swap inputs and light attack while holding block.

  • Fixed an issue where using honing stones while unsheathing would incorrectly default to using quickslot item 1.

  • Fixed an issue where after weapon swap, the Bow and Arrow would remain taut and flail would remain extended.

  • Fixed an exploit where players could use a Heartrune and menu interaction to basic attack at a faster rate.

  • Fixed an issue where player can get stuck when activating Camp placement in water.

  • Fixed an issue where sheathed weapons would activate their passive visual effects after viewing a cutscene, or interacting with an NPC.

  • Fixed a loophole allowing cheating clients to place Inferno Traps further away from their location than they should be able to.

  • Fixed an issue where the camera could sometimes be pushed through scenery while mounted


  • Fixed a PC-only issue where shift modifier controls did not apply correctly when multiple controllers were connected.

  • Players using Gamepad can now scroll through the members of their raid groups more effectively by holding down the modifier and moving the cursor of the selected player in their raid up and down as well as left and right.

  • Keyboard & Mouse camera settings now have separate sliders for horizontal and vertical sensitivity, with sensitivity scalars for ADS and Turret operations, just like Gamepad settings do.

  • Updated Smartcast options to be condensed into a dropdown so that players no longer have to toggle two separate settings.

  • Fixed an issue where certain input combinations would prevent Smartcast On Release from functioning as expected.

Health and Regen Potions

  • They are now both more powerful, however they have a shared cooldown and the cooldown has been adjusted to compensate.

  • Created a new potion category called "Survival Potions" that will have a shared cooldown and allow us to add additional potion types to help with survivability, health and regen potions are added to this category.

Healing Functionality

  • Increased the tick rate of the passive food healing from every 2.5s to 2s and increased the out of combat bonus to food healing from a 50% bonus to 100% bonus. Also removed the 20s of burst healing that is removed on hit when consuming food items to compensate for the additional power of health and regen potions.

  • Specific power increases to the current health and regen potions to compensate for the cooldown increase and the shared cooldown changes.

  • Health Potion (25s Cooldown) - Increased the power of the healing to account for the various changes

  • Regen Potion (25s Cooldown) - Increased the healing per second and increased duration from 10s to 15s to account for the various changes

  • Regen Serum (25s Cooldown) - Adjusted the power to compensate for the reduced cooldown.

  • Adjusted the way the ranged weapon persistent damage multiplier is calculated.

  • Reverted the PvP damage scaling that was added in to reduce the damage of the blunderbuss to account for target lock.

  • Unhid the healing value flyouts from regeneration potions.

  • Updated the Absorption potions to reduce the potency of Creature Family Ward Potions by 50% while active.

Death's Door

  • Added a timer to Death's Door that prevents the player from giving up for the first 3s of being in death's door. This is done to prevent accidental button presses immediately after death.

  • Added a notification to trigger to inform the player about entering death's door and why there is a delay if Give up is pressed too early.

Attribute Threshold Bonuses

  • Added Grit to light attack start ups when using the 300 CON Attribute Threshold Bonus.

Siege Weapons

  • Increased the projectile speed of the ballista turrets and Increased the distance a ballista would travel before gravity would kick in for war/invasion/opr ballista turrets

  • Reduced the shot cooldown of the outpost rush ballista to match the cooldowns of the war/invasion ballista turrets (was 5s made it 2.5s).

  • Added an effect that is applied to the player when mounted on any turret that grants damage absorption and increases armor while on turrets.

  • Increased repeater turret damage by coefficient from 1.2 to 2.2.


  • Fixed an issue with the camera getting stuck when Primal Fury effect runs out while player is in Inventory.

  • Fixed an issue where the Primal Fury Heartrune could become unusable after weapon switching while getting pushed by an attack.

  • Fixed an issue with the Primal Fury Heartrune that was preventing aiming the light and heavy attacks.

  • Fixed an issue where interactions became available after performing various actions while the Primal Fury Heartrune is active.

  • Fixed an issue where Heartrunes could be interrupted by void gauntlet basic attacks allowing for faster attack speeds via cancels.

  • Updated the cannon blast Heartrune description to include that it has grit.

  • Fixed an issue where the basic attacks for Primal Fury Heartrune could be performed in midair.

  • Updated the activation conditions of the phoenix mechanic to trigger when downing a player to prevent players from giving up so phoenix doesn't end.

  • Fixed an issue where Runeglass gem DoTs were not categorized properly, causing them to not interact with other effects properly.


  • Fixed an issue where dodging while loading into a dungeon could cause player to soft lock when fully loaded in.

  • Fixed some issues where attacks that did not stagger could assist in triggering the breakout dodge, and attacks that did stagger would not increment the breakout dodge.

  • Fixed an issue where the player can desync when Dodge canceling a melee attack while holding block with Freeform Movement enabled.

  • Fixed some cases of incorrect footprints when unarmed kicking.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Block speed to override Encumbered speed.

  • Fixed an issue where players could have jittery movement after a Recalling to an Inn

  • Fixed an issue where fast traveling while in an alternate stance could cause navigation issues.

  • Updated footprint decals to more closely match new navigation animations.

  • You no longer lose the ability to move when over-encumbered (150% of equip weight). Instead, you'll just move very slowly (prone speed).

  • Fixed an issue causing player speed to be incorrect when aiming or blocking while wading in water.


  • Dashing while swimming now consumes 50 stamina.

  • Encumbered state now blocks dash and reduces speed while swimming.

Perks and Weapons


  • Fixed an issue where the Greatsword artifact Grace did not have the proper max duration or sprint speed set.

  • Fixed an issue where Cunning Detonate and Natures wrath were causing detonate to trigger instantly.

  • Fixed an issue where survivor's coat and endless thirst combined would not properly reset the cooldowns when potion surge was active.

  • Updated the endless thirst artifact tooltip to better match functionality.

  • Fixed an issue where Nature's Wrath could sometimes cause empowers to last indefinitely.

  • Fixed an issue where Nature's Blessing combined with various other effects could cause the PUG finder buff to trigger unintended effects with current health values.

  • Fixed an issue where Elemental band was allowing the same damage type to stack multiple stacks of empower.

  • Fixed an issue where the Empowered Amulet Perk was sometimes duplicating the extension making empowers last longer than intended.

  • Added additional functionality to the Burdening Smite flail perk to also provide a benefit while in PvP. Will not grant armor penetration.

  • Adjusted the <DmgType> Shield Ward and <DmgType> Protection perks to not be able to bypass clamping for absorption.

  • Adjusted the healthy toast perk to do a smaller heal over time instead of granting a burst of healing at once. It is the same amount of total healing, but distributed over 4s.

  • When equipping/unequipping items with health modifier perks, current health will scale proportionally to new maximum health.

  • Fixed a typo in the Desperate Energy perk.

  • Fixed a visual issue where perks could still appear active even after unequipping an item.


  • Increased the spread (inaccuracy) of the Blunderbuss when target locked onto an enemy player.

  • Fixed an issue where Blunderbuss’s Azoth Shrapnel Blast ability had misaligned VFX

  • Fixed an issue where the Projectile counter would flicker for the Blunderbuss

  • Fixed an issue where the description for "Go The Distance" was note clear enough.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the camera to pop when canceling a basic attack into Rapid Shot while using ADS.

  • Fixed an issue where a bow could be fired faster than intended when timing attacks and the Rain of Arrows ability.

  • Ancient Guardian Bowman'sa bow is now no longer stretching forward when aiming with it.

  • Fixed an issue where using smartcast with certain bow abilities could cause stuttering.

  • Optimization pass for Poison Shot ability.

Fire Staff
  • Fixed an issue where the runes of helios ultimate could trigger without meteor shower being cast.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Meteor Shower duration to be 4 seconds rather than the intended 6 seconds.

  • Reduced the disease of Immolation to 10% incoming and 5% outgoing from 20% and 10% respectfully.

  • Fixed Shipyard Fire Staff VFX.

  • Reduced the max stacks of that DoT from 5 to 4, so a max of 20% weapon damage instead of 25%.

  • Fixed an issue where the flail could interrupt group members while they were in their inventory.

  • Fixed an issue where the flail would rotate a bit to much while holding rotation with a controller.

Great Axe
  • Fixed an issue where the Mauler's Resolve passive would not trigger on attacks that did not trigger a stagger/interrupt.

  • Added additional clarity to Whirlwind’s tooltips.

  • Reworded Blood Lust's description to be more clear.

  • Adjusted VFX placement on several Great Axes to better align with the shape of the blade.

  • Updated the text on the Unending Winds tooltip to make it more clear.

  • Fixed issue where blocking an attack could cause the character's legs to have a stutter animation.

  • Fixed an issue where the Greatsword did not always disappear from the player while using unstuck.

  • Fixed an issue where the final upgrade of Roaring Rupture could be unlocked without the 2nd upgrade being unlocked.

  • Fixed a typo on the Greatsword skill tree entry for Purifying Roar.

  • Removed left hand open and close at the end of Greatsword jump in place anim, fixed Greatsword land into idle anim so that the left arm does not let go of the sword at the start of the anim.

  • Increased the cooldown of Defy Death from 60s to 70s.

  • Slightly Reduced homing max move distance from 4 to 3.75.

  • Fixed references to Persistent Hindrance being spelled incorrectly.

Ice Gauntlet
  • Fixed an issue where two hastes were active at the same time when using quick shower and cleaned up the tooltip to be more clear.

  • Reworded the Energizing Critical description to be more clear.

  • Fixed an issue where ice pylon could not be locked onto via target lock.

  • Fixed an issue where Ice Spikes could trigger early and behind the player.

  • Fixed an issue where Ice Gauntlet's animation would break when switching weapons while crouching.

  • Fixed an issue where players could move while Entombed after teleporting.

Life Staff
  • Group or Raid members are now correctly highlighted Red in Group/Raid HUD when out of healing range and LifeStaff is equipped.

  • Fixed an issue that let you use certain cancels to increase your light attack rate of fire.

  • Added the ability to remap self targeting on gamepad.

  • When aiming throwable Items while LifeStaff is equipped, target locking will now lock onto enemies only, not allies.

  • Fixed VFX on Black Widow Life Staff.

  • Fixed an issue causing the musket to be unable to aim if prone under collision.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Power shot and Powder Burn to active while swimming.

  • Fixed Ancient Flintlock weapon not matching its icon.

  • Fixed an issue where rapier abilities would not buffer properly when triggered early enough during the Tondo ability.

  • Fixed an issue where En Garde was spelled incorrectly.

  • Addressed issue where Rapier had a bit more cooldown reduction than intended. Changed up the Red Curtain Passive to have a brief cooldown after each trigger, and fixed some issues where DoTs could trigger activations of cooldown reduction.

  • Fixed timing on Rapier Momentum VFX.

  • Self Healing - Increased the self healing reduction in PvP from 10% to 30%. (does not apply to potions).

  • Combat Sprint Delay - Slightly reduced the duration of the sprint delay when hit from a melee attack for light equip loads (1s to 0.85s), and medium equip loads (0.75s to 0.65s).

  • Adjusted the fuel upgrade for Flourish and Finish. Will now only proc once per tick of rapier's bleed, and not increase by stacks or number of targets it is on. But value has been increased from 3.5% to 9%.

  • Fixed an issue where the exacerbating crits passive was not functioning with perforate’s weaken.

  • Fixed a desync when activating Spear’s Javelin ability during its Light Attack chain.

Sword & Shield
  • Fixed an issue where the Upheaval ability would not always go on cooldown under specific circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue where some DoTs could trigger the Invigorating Bulwark Passive.

  • Fixed an issue where loading into the game with a shield equipped would double add shield stats.

  • Changed Goldcursed Tower Shield tilt to fix player’s knee clipping through the shield.

  • Modified the sword Final Blow passive functionality to only increase the threat generation while in heavy equip load.

  • Reduced base threat generation of the sword basic attacks, but increased the taunt increase that the heavy attacks provide.

Void Gauntlet
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Harvest Essence to get briefly interrupted when changing move direction.

  • Fixed an issue where Orb of Decay's detonate would not always trigger while performing void blade attacks.

  • Fixed an issue where some void gauntlet abilities would not trigger consistently when unsheathing the void gauntlet.

  • Fixed an issue where the void blade attacks could sometimes be triggered while falling.

  • Fixed an issue where baleful tether would not turn the character towards the projectile when firing.

  • Fixed an animation issue with Void Blade when transitioning from the dodge roll to idle.

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to perform a heavy attack with Void gauntlet while using Harvesting Essence.

  • Fixed an issue where Empowering proximity would not function after respecing the ability or changing gear sets.

  • Updated functionality of Refreshing Precision to have a cooldown per activation instead of doing target limit.

War Hammer
  • Fixed an issue where the refreshing mighty gavel perk would not increase in power while on weapons.

  • Fixed an issue where the wrecking ball could easily overshoot targets while using target lock.

World Updates


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes armor dragon will not attack player in the melee range.

  • Fixed Mirages of Malek, now they should deal damage.

  • Fixed an issue with Godling Jupiterion and other Legionnaires where the spectral Legionnaires summoned during the Corrupted Phalanx attack could sometimes fall through objects and fail to deal damage as intended.

  • Fixed an issue that Heartrune Guardian can be killed at the end of the "A Guardian's Trial" solo trial.

  • Fixed an issue that swampwater rotseeds were sometimes missing the death animation.

  • Fixed an issue that Inert Remnant could be staggered twice when players defeat the other inactivated remnant in the area.

  • Fixed an issue that some of the damned characters have incorrect hit box.

  • Fixed that some bears in Elysian Wild have incorrect stamina value.

  • Fixed an issue that Centurion Maecia has incorrect stamina ui under health bar.

  • Fixed an issue that incorrect vfx would appear underneath the dynasty summoner.

  • Fixed an issue where certain AI enemies that intentionally do not finish off players, such as AI enemies in the early areas of Windsward and Monarch's Bluffs, were not properly retreating when a player entered Death's Door.

  • Fixed an issue that Menagerie Morgolf’s stab and kick attack would occasionally miss on a player.

  • Fixed an issue with the Winter Warrior sometimes having abnormally long animation delays.

  • Fixed an issue with Colossus of Memnon where they would sometimes get stuck and become unresponsive during combat.

  • Fixed an issue with Bears failing to navigate to targets and becoming unresponsive during combat.

  • Fixed an issue where some Ancient Guardians might become unresponsive during combat.

  • Fixing a timing mismatch in the beam attack used by Imhotep to more properly match the animation.

  • Fixed an issue where Sesa and similar AI would sometimes fail to register incoming hits from ranged attacks during certain animations.

  • Fixed an issue where projectiles thrown by Sesa and similar AI would sometimes fail to properly render and appear to hit players with an invisible attack.

  • Fixed an issue that Colossus of Memnon's target lock position is incorrect.

  • Isabella's subtitles properly appear during the Tempest's Mind Soul Trial.

  • Mahantaram (Soul Trail) - Removed extraneous target lock location in the center of the arena.

  • Adiana (End of New Eden Soul Trial) - Fixed an issue preventing damage over time effects from affecting War Blossoms.

  • Fixed an issue where Spectral Pumas did not fade out naturally after death.

Economy and Progression


  • Fixed a typo for the Privateer’s Heirloom item.

  • Fixed an issue causing some named items to still have the Indestructible perk. Since the Durability system has been removed, this perk was no longer functional. It has been changed on named items that still had this perk to a new perk.

  • Fixed a typo with the Burnanator artifact weapon.

  • Fixed a typo in the description of the Fractured Void artifact weapon.

  • Fixed the PvP Only perk Critical Retribution being able to roll on PvE drops and crafted helmets.

  • Fix issue where health bar would show that the player’s current health is greater than their max health.

  • Corrected the transmog display name for the Azure Plains apparel set.

  • Corrected an issue where Nightveil Hallow armor would not display a crafting group.

  • Increased the maximum stack size of Goldcursed Coconuts and Cursed Keys to 10,000 (was 1.).

  • Fixed an error that swapped the Harbinger Fire and Life Staff descriptions.

  • Fixed an issue that gave an apply set option for Wheel of Time promotional skins.

  • Adjusted the Runeglass Gem descriptions to indicate that they do not work in most Jewelry.

  • Corrected a typo in the name of Orichalcum Lumberjack’s Charm.

  • Fixed an issue causing high-tier fishing perk mods to not be applied to low-tier Fishing Poles when crafting.

  • Corrected typo in page 3 of Sword and Shield tutorial.

  • Corrected description for Firefly bait to properly reflect a medium bonus to catch rare fish.

  • Corrected recipe names for Rough Leather armor.

  • Corrected typo in Philosopher’s Stone description.

  • Fixed the description for the Luxury Mount Vittles to showcase the proper experience it grants.

  • Corrected typo in description of housing item Sentimental Note.

  • Swapped the attribute on the Whip flail from Intelligence to Strength.

  • Correct an issue causing Nightveil Hallow weapons to show on the Weaponsmithing tradeskill progression screen (which was inconsistent with other holiday weapons).

  • Fixed an issue that caused Empty Runeglass Case tooltips to refer to the Stonecutting Station instead of the Runeglass Station.

  • Corrected an error in the description of Reinforced Starmetal War Hammer Charm.

  • Fix issue where stackable items that existed in multiple gear sets could have stack size discrepancies.

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to transmog captured item skins if the skins were previously only granted via entitlement (such as a seasonal reward like Flaming Monk's Jinbaori or Flaming Monk's Kabuto).

  • Corrected typo in Acid Burn tool tip.

  • Corrected an error that prevented certain corvid variants from not progressing, Featherweight's perk unlock task "Defeat 20 Corvid enemies in Elysian Wilds."

  • Removed ability to roll Sturdy durability perks on Fishing Poles.

  • Fix issue where gauntlets on remote players could sometimes be invisible after changing skins in store.

  • Changed certain high-value weapons from the Doubloon Shop to now have a fixed attribute perk matching their primary damage stat. This will affect existing Apex Doubloon shop weapons as well as newly purchased ones.

  • Fix issue where quickly dropping items could cause the items to be placed in separate loot bags.

  • Standardized duration of Winter Convergence item buffs to 40 minutes from 30 minutes.

  • Fixed an issue where getting then losing the encumbered state while the inventory is open could cause the camera and character animation to become choppy

  • Fixed Joke Hat and Joke Towel Doubloon items appearing scrabbable when they can’t be scrapped.

  • Updated the descriptions for the Azoth Inductor and Chromatic Seal.


  • Fixed an issue where the Territory Planning board could show incorrect rewards for Fort Upgrades or Lifestyle Buffs.

  • Fixed an issue causing deprecated resources to show up in the Material Selector for some recipes.

  • Fixed typos across some items and appearances in transmog.

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing some Mount Attachments and Charms to not drop as intended.


  • Adjusted the Bass Clef and Drum Clef to line up with the musical staff correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where secondary weapons would not gain Mastery Experience when the XP gained was very low.


  • Corrected an issue causing Gorgon’s Sabatons tooltip to appear without rarity.

  • Corrected quest reward flails being equipable without the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion.

  • Reduced the Gypsum Orb reward for repeatable quest, Containing the Contagion, from 10 to 1.

  • Fixed an issue causing gear rewards from Influence Race Caches to always roll very high. Now, the caches will grant rewards based on player level, so that lower level players do not receive items they cannot equip.

  • Removed weaker Tier 3 earrings from PvP Reward Track.

  • Replaced deprecated Durability perk on Old Hermit’s Pastime with Freshwaters Brawn II.

  • Corrected the tier and Gear Score of the quest rewards "Windsward's Hope" and "Monarch's Wish".

  • Spectral Chests in Cutlass Keys now give 45-55 doubloons, up from 14 doubloons. They are also now a source of Goldcursed Coconuts.

  • Schematics from the Hive of Gorgon's Raid have had their drop chance increased and more schematics are available.

  • In the interest of clarity, since this has been a point of frustration for some players, our intention with these schematics has always been to increase drop rates and schematic types over time. We wanted these to be limited early on so that there could be some exciting high value drops for players to play around with, but they were not intended to be a farmable item at launch. We are increasing their farmability, and will do so again in the future when we release weapon schematics.

  • Fixed an issue where Isabella's Amulet would appear and be unclaimable in the Item Claim popup in the Store.

  • Corrected an issue that allowed players under level 65 to obtain the weekly Formidable Warrior's Cache.

  • By player request, we have changed the Gorgonite Inductor Raid Crafting Recipes (the recipes using Gorgon Essence) to no longer give equipment with Magnify. Now, the items crafted using these recipes will have a randomly assigned Attribute Perk. This will allow you to insert perk items into these recipes to determine which attribute you want. We are making it easier to control your attributes for endgame build potential. However, if you do not insert perk items into the recipe, you will get a random attribute perk. Please be sure to use attribute perk items if you want a specific attribute.

  • Corrected an error that excluded the musket ability perk Crippling Powder Burn from specific perk buckets.

  • Added Artifacts from Season 6 Battle pass to the pvp reward track.

  • Based on feedback, the way Artifacts are available on the PvP Reward track has been changed. Artifacts are more likely to show up at all levels, and Artifacts are significantly more likely to roll on every level after PvP Track level 50.

  • Some new resources have been added to Raids and Mutated Expeditions to add improved access to maax GS gear. By combining Damaged Gorgon's Eyes (a daily limited drop from The Hive of Gorgons and Sandwurm), Mutated Dust (a drop from Mutated Expeditions), and an Azerit Focus (a new crafting material) players can craft an inventory cache for themselves that will grant a few items that can roll up to 725 Gear Score. Crafting the cache does not require a high tradeskill level, though the Azerit Focus does require a medium level in Arcana. These items are able to roll raid specific perks as well as elemental mutation perks. We'll be monitoring this in the future, but we're pulling mutations back into the end game rewards loop with this change.


  • Fixed an issue that caused a player to hold a sword while crafting at an Outfitter station.

  • Fixed an issue where the Salvage All button in the Crafting screen would not function.

  • Fixed an issue where Refining Material Conversion recipes at the Gypsum Kiln could look craftable in the recipe list when they were unable to be crafted.

  • Fixed a typo that referred to Shattered Obelisk Replicas instead of Starstone Barrows Replicas.

  • Moved Blessed Rivets and Jewelry Matrix to the Outfitting Station to be more consistent with other jewelcrafting recipes.

  • Fixed an issue with the Song in your Step buff saying it would decrease encumbrance when it would actually increase encumbrance.

  • Fix biggest culprit 'Crafting Failed' issues which were related to improper crafted gear score predictions.

  • Once you have crafted an artifact to 725 Gear Score, you can no longer see the 700 Gear Score crafting recipe. This was done to prevent an issue where players could accidentally craft an artifact to a lower Gear Score.


  • Fixed an issue where gathering could cause players to enter a bad state.

  • Fixed an issue causing legendary fish to salvage into a deprecated bait.



  • Daichi animation has been re-exported to fix a desyncing animation.

  • Barkimedes dog VO sounds in Amrine dungeon now working

  • Barkimedes dog sounds are now heard during the Statstone Expedition.

  • Adjusted the VFX on the Gorgan's entrance to make a flashing light element not viewable from a far distance

  • Fixed missing laser beam effects at Starstone Barrows Expedition.

Barnacles & Black Powder

  • Players can no longer jump while under the effect of Nereid’s Offering.

  • Fixed an issue where tornadoes could sometimes appear static or invisible.

  • Fixed an issue where a Black Flag Porter may have died prematurely.

Dynasty Shipyard

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes Empress's destroyed pedestal would keep casting spells.

  • Fixed an issue with the Corrupted Monolith not firing sounds and effects when exploding.

  • Added allied health bar to the Powder Kegs in the Dynasty Shipyard expedition.


  • Tweaked the water patterns, material and numerical parameters to eliminate the white noise in fountain puzzle of Hive of Gorgons raid.

  • Fixed a nav mesh issue that allowed Ser Milosh to be exploited.

  • Fixed an issue where the fast travel option was visible when exiting the Savage Divide.

  • Savage Divide - Enemies no longer take damage from falling rocks

  • Fix for VFX chains not playing at far distances in Leviathan Soul Trial.

  • Fixed cross-world dungeon not refunding players who crashed in the dungeon.

Lazarus Instrumentality

  • Fixed an issue with Chardis's visibility.

Tempest Heart

  • Fixed an issue in Tempest Heart that caused the void destroyer beam continue targeting the same player constantly.

  • Fixed an issue where the map icon for the expedition exit appeared in the wrong location.

  • Damage of the tempest heart repeater turrets has been reduced.

The Depths

  • Fixed an issue where the portal would sometimes not teleport the player when fighting Archdeacon Azamela.

General Updates


  • Fixed a gamepad issue where pressing a modifier while holding down another button could trigger a held action. As an example, on default profile, if you held in the left stick click (autorun), and then pressed the modifier, you would immediately go prone.

  • Fixed an issue with the Javelin ability that could cause its reticle to not display correctly in some situations

  • Fixed an issue with spell effects and weapons showing in the world while in the stylemancer UI.

  • Fixed an issue where the character could improperly animate if landing from a high height while carrying something

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the reload indicator to not show for muskets if the player is prone or crouched

  • Fixed an issue where remapping the mount summon button from the D-Pad would not remove it from the original binding.

  • Fixed an issue with player animation while playing an instrument.

  • Fixed animation playing twice when hooking a fish too late.

  • Fixed an issue where aiming friction parameters would persist when switching from gamepad to keyboard/mouse.

  • Fixed an issue where certain abilities that stopped player movement would not be reflected in the reticle’s accuracy indicator.

  • Resting at camp now displays the "Fully Rested" notification correctly.

  • Fixed an issue that would allow players to initiate camp building while gathering or interacting.

  • Fixed an issue where fire staff's idle effect would not be hidden while fast traveling in specific circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue where using AOE spells while target locked out of range would result in notification spam.

  • Fixed an animation issue when starting a musical performance from crouched or prone position.

  • Helmet voice FX is not longer persistent when a player takes off their helm. The helm voice FX is disabled as expected.

  • Fixed an issue for PC DX12 where the renderer was not fully utilizing available video memory for the texture budget when using Very High quality settings, resulting in blurry road textures.

  • Medea’s eye textures fixed.

  • Made fix to Imhotep’s mouth.

  • Ethereal Hood of the Ferryman’s horns and skull can be dyed separately.

  • Fix to Embellished glove dye masks.

  • The tint channels respond to dye now.

  • Made fix to LightLegsAT3 dye colors.

  • Fixed a typo in the Chrioptera’s Cowl description.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the drumsticks to be misaligned with the character’s hands in musical performances.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Discovering Caliburne Settlement achievement to not be earnable.

  • Adjutant's Chestpiece has been updated with a more masculine fitment.

  • Loot bags generated by players dying due to PvP or dropping items from inventory now drop at the last point where that player was standing on solid ground instead of dropping in midair.

  • Added a quest pin to the map and compass for Edengrove side quest, “Incomparable Blue”.

  • Fixed an issue where a player could end up on both sides of a war scoreboard if they changed sides during the war setup phase.

  • Fixed an issue where players don't automatically reconnect following certain server issues.

  • Fixed a bug where nearby players were not visible.

  • Adjusted lipsync for Tekene Mhlongo.

  • Fixed facial issues with Primal Lion.

  • Fixed various missing and unnatural voice over.

  • Fixed issue with Empress Zhou's robe clipping.

  • Fixed new Nightveil Hallow arcana items not requiring motes to craft.

  • Fixed an issue where the Vincentius bear mount had clipping with most mount attachments.

  • Updated Ice Commander to no longer have gap on neck.

  • Fixed various issues on Feathere's Valkyrie armor set.

  • Store Camera allows you to rotate and zoom appropriately.

  • Fix the Game Menu showing the wrong world after successfully transferring servers.

  • Fixed a rare connection error with code -350.

  • Fixed an issue allowing weapon abilities in the final row of a tree to be unlocked before spending the required 10 points.

  • Fixed an issue with connecting to the server on Xbox.

  • Reduced 3v3 Arena pre-match duration to 75s (was 90s).

  • Fixed an issue that caused fast travel to cancel while auto-run is active.

  • Fixed an issue with VFX causing bright screen effects during soul trails.

  • Fixed an animation issue that could occur if opening the inventory while running in fishing mode.

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent custom controller mapping on PlayStation from saving correctly.

  • Fixed a crash issue when xbox live is not available after coming back from being constrained.

  • Fixed an issue where players in groups would not always properly get contribution rewards.

Notable Fixes

  • We fixed an issue in which shadow updates appear slow in some areas of the game when playing in 4K.

  • Fixed an issue causing turrets to not rotate properly when viewing another player using one.

  • Fixed an issue where fort gates would sometimes play the destruction VFX when they shouldn't.

  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes receive multiple chat message notifications at the end of a duel.

  • Fixed an issue where Void Gauntlet’s Essence Rupture would not heal when attacking during a duel.

  • Fixed an animation stutter issue if redirected to store from mount's purchase mount submenu.

  • If you are gathering, fishing, or playing music when you join or leave an Expedition/Outpost Rush/3v3 Arena, you should no longer find your tool unequipped.

  • Corrected the Leveling Rewards screen to fix the quest that the T1 Azoth Staff unlocks with.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Leveling Rewards screen to show the Season Journey unlocking at Level 60 instead of Level 25.

  • Added a description for the Season Journey on the Leveling Rewards page.

  • Fixed an issue where you would not end your emote if you tried to place a camp.

  • Fixed issue where musical performance tips would sometimes not reach a performer if they teleported away after a performance.

  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the falling animation after exiting building a camp.

  • Added Hercyne Raid artifacts to the Elite Trail entrance screen.

  • Made an optimization to the use of memory for interface textures and animations that should reduce overall memory usage during gameplay sessions.


  • Improved Mount to Swimming transition animation.

  • Fixed an issue with mounted players sometimes not animating correctly when on slopes.

  • Added randomized fidget animations for each mount while in idle.

  • Fix logs when reaching limit for loot count.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to jump higher if summoning mount while jumping.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed mantling to high areas from dismount. This also fixes an issue where players could use mismount to get into Forts in OPR.

  • Fixed eyes and head armor of the Ronin Lion so now it follows the head movement.

  • Fix for "Limited Time" sale banner on mounts being a different color from the version in the store.

  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to not dismount properly when performing certain actions.

  • Fixed a rare desync when jumping while mounted.

Season Narrative

  • Updated collision around Mordred to prevent exploits.

  • Fixed an issue with the Fruit Baskets not having collision in every Winter Convergence village.

  • Fixed an issue with Lost Presents floating in the air near Shiresad Beach.

  • Springtide Bloom decoration has been added to Caliburne Helmet

Season Pass

  • Fixed an issue causing Transmog Tokens on the Season Pass to indicate that the feature was not yet released.

Season Trials

  • Fixed an issue which sometimes prevented players from entering the daily trial for Eternal Frost.

  • Razhan the Hordemaster

    • Level increased to 70, up from 66

    • Decreased Razhan the Hordemaster's health by 5%

    • Decreased Lesser Sulfur Amalgamation health by 8%

    • Fixed an issue where Razhan's attacks were not dealing their intended Stamina Damage; several of Razhan's Light Attacks now deal reduced Stamina Damage, while a few Heavy Attacks now deal more Stamina Damage

    • Fixed an issue where several of Razhan's attacks were more punishing than intended for players positioned behind him.

    • Fixed an issue where one of Razhan's attacks was not properly applying Lava Burn.

  • Fixed visual errors related to Ice guardian AOE ability.

Seasonal Items

  • Fixed new Nightveil Hallow arcana items not requiring motes to craft.

  • Fixed new Nightveil Hallow flails being crafted at the Forge instead of the Arcane Repository.



  • Dead Emote now works properly when in use.

  • Fixed an issue where the icon of players who were kicked from a group still appeared on the map.


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to properly use the name suggestion box when mentioning someone in chat.


  • Made adjustments to the Maya scene - character hand and game prop fan positions to resolve the collisions.

Group Finder

  • Corrected the tooltips of rewards from the Activity Finder to display the correct coin rewards.


  • Fixed an issue where raid members could not be promoted through the social flyout without first using the manage raid screen.


  • Updated model on Ancient Chest Housing Item.


  • Updated several tutorials so they would not repeat themselves during combat.

  • Added upcoming conflict time to the map settlement flyout.

Territory Ownership

  • Influence Race notification no longer appears when in instanced content.

  • Fixed an issue with the war/invasion roster sometimes failing to load completely.

UX and UI


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented abilities from being grayed out when the player did not have enough mana to use it.

  • Fixed an issue where capture points in OPR would not update immediately on the map when captured.

  • Fix issue with Banner Queue

  • Fixed Doubloon Shop tooltip displaying the incorrect background image.

  • Fixed typo on Turtle Walk Emote.

  • Fixed typo on Abrasive Ore crafting mod.

  • Adjusted various text sizes and alignments.

  • Fixed issue with some icons in Objectives filters not displaying.

  • Fixed blurry resolution of Baron and Corrupted Portal icons in OPR.

  • Fixed low resolution issues with coin icons in various screens.

  • Made scoreboard in 3v3 arenas thinner to allow more room for the player interact flyout.

  • Updated Creag Crystal Chunk icon.

  • Updated whittling knife icon so it no longer looks like a sword.

  • Removed incorrect icon when purchasing dyes.

  • Updated and standardized event-related map icons.

  • Updated Basic Settings order for Accessibility.

  • Fix incorrect tooltips appearing on the World Select Screen.

  • Fix transfer cooldown times displaying incorrectly.

  • Fixed display issue with Panda and Reindeer mounts icons using backgrounds.

  • Added an option to disable network status icons under Gameplay > Preferences.

  • Updated string in OPR scoreboard to better describe the stat tracking Resources ("Resources"→"Resources Used").

  • Fixed an issue with total team healing stat in the end of match screen for 3v3 arena being incorrect.

  • Make top icon on settlements follow same priority rules as the flyout logic for selecting top icon.

  • Updated station tooltips on the map for OPR.


  • Fixed Life Staff naming inconsistencies.

  • Fixed an issue where Unstuck would fail if it was clicked just after it became available again.

  • Fixed territory banner triggering.

  • Fixed an issue in the crafting screen where some recipes were showing the wrong gear score when sorting by gear score.

  • Fixed an issue where Crafting Station upgrade projects were listing unlockable recipes that aren’t being locked anymore.

  • Fixed an issue where you could enter the Store while in a musical performance, resulting in odd preview animations.

  • Fixed the skill reward display on the Crafting screen. This fixes the "None" value from showing up as a reward near the craft button.

  • Fixed an issue where returning to Main Menu while fishing could result in the fishing HUD to appear when returning to the game.

  • Reduced hitching in controller remapping menu when updating button maps.

  • Fixed issue where HUD elements could overlap in Housing.

  • How to use emotes tooltip in the Store now appropriately shows the controller navigation to the Emotes window.

  • Influence Race results screen overlapping text fixed.

  • HUD Objectives list will no longer disappear if it gets too long for the screen. It will scale down instead.

  • Influence Race results overlapping text resolved.

  • Daily Solo trials rewards now appear appropriately in the Activity Finder list.

  • Fixed a bug where dragging the scrollbar in the inventory would lose focus and stop scrolling.

  • Fix for the network icons overlapping with certain UI elements.

  • The slider to set the number of visible nameplates has been re-enabled for PC.

  • Hidden mana or stamina bar will no longer fade in while in the Navbar state (pressing esc on PC).

  • Tooltip on Season tab button in NavBar now updates to chosen language correctly.

  • Fixed loot ticker possibly getting incorrectly positioned off to the right after talking to a quest giver.

  • Fixed settlement icon showing incorrect number of available quests in the settlement.

In-Game Store

  • Skins in bundles now display the type of skin it is in the item’s tooltip.

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed issue where world selection could change when viewing worlds during list refreshes.

  • Fixed map icon tooltips closing when hovered whenever there are hoverable hints in the tooltip.

  • Match invites and expedition invites will now pop back up if interrupted as long as they haven’t timed out.

  • Fixed bug that would prevent players from being able to sort search results in the store.

  • Resetting chat settings to default will now properly unmute previously muted channels.

  • Fixed exit performance prompt overlapping musical highway during performances on certain resolutions.


  • Moved Loot Drop SFX volume to the UI Volume slider based on player feedback.

  • Scrolling in inventory no longer causes frame rate to drop.

  • Updated the wording on the Magnify tooltip to make it clearer that magnify can affect your loot biased drops.

  • Adjusted waypoints on world map so that waypoints are now easier to remove.

  • Opening the map no longer cancels fast travel channeling.

  • Show a timer if a game mode is approaching its shutdown time.

Trading Post

  • Fixed max gear score filtering functionality in the trading post.

  • Fixed an issue where the unit price could change as you were pressing the Confirm button. The Trading Post looks up other orders for the same item and changes you to a competitive price for that item. It will now prevent you from setting a price until that information is available.

  • Fixed an issue causing certain Cutlass Keys BoP consumables to be searchable on the Tradepost, even though they could not be on the Tradepost.

  • Fixed an issue causing Hands, Legs, and Feet slot Gorgon's Equipment to be in the wrong sections of the Tradepost.


World Experience

  • Fixed an issue where NPC's mouths could rarely move when they weren't speaking.

  • Fixed an issue where the Wolf Mount's legs could move unnaturally.

  • Visual fixes to the Panda Bear mount.

  • Fixed some collision issues on rocks located in Grayvale Hamlet in Mourningdale.

  • Updated dissolve on Gawain cinematic for a smoother transition.

  • Added more detail to stone chest models.

  • Moved a lore note so it rests on a table rather than floating next to it.

  • Fixed a client crash when an objective task was removed.

  • Lightened up the environment probe not to be so dark in Edengrove trading post.

  • Resolved light probe flickering in Spyglass Ridge tavern.

  • Overseer Shervey and Master Smith McCoy should now respawn much faster.

  • Kisare the Taskmaster should now respawn much faster.

  • Collision gap filled in for stuck spot in glacial tarn poi.

  • Enabled collision on platform in settlement.

  • Added collision component on church stairs so player can no longer clip through them.

  • Updated some Environment Probes to fixed flickering lights in Oxboro Inn.

  • World | Campskins | Players can now collide with tier 2, tier 3, and tier 4 campskins as expected.

  • Collision added to house awnings missing collision.

  • Collision adjusted to prevent player clipping during traversal in ftue.

  • Chains now properly appear and disappear during quest.

  • Removed DoT from Well of Fortune

  • Fixed damageable gatherable not having a health bar on "Brigands on the Beach" quest

  • Moved bamboo trees away from the house.

  • Floating Corruption fixed at Scorpius.

  • Collision should be fixed so players no longer clip and can climb as easily.

  • Added polish to Gorgon Landing dock.

  • Lowered tower to embed in cliff rocks.

  • Updated Fountain Water so VFX fit properly.

  • Collision has been added to sign for the Tier 5 Smelting Station.

  • Ships that support floating masts are now visible again.

  • Updated view distance of barrels.

  • Adjusted Brightwoods settlement bound to allow mount dash outside of settlement.

  • Added boulders to fill holes and adjusted chest on top of rock.

  • Adjusted Myrkgard dismount bound.

  • Fixed an issue where the boat and pier were not visibile on the map at Sable Port.

  • Fixed an issue where multiple fiishing hotspots were not visible on the map.

  • Fixed an issue where war camps were inconsistently visible on the map.

  • Fixed an issue where entering chat mode while placing a camp could cause the player to enter a bad state.

  • Fixed a bug where entering a solo trial dead would prevent the encounter from starting.

  • Console players who have not completed the Elysian Wilds entry quest chain should now correctly see the Territory Entry Warning.

  • Resolved an issue where the capture point VFX were not displaying correctly.

  • Updated terrain so the player can smoothly traverse the stair case.

  • Fixed texture seams on Kentia Palm trunks.

  • prevent player from entering the house property by jumping over the house bounds.

  • Updated Placement of stairs to resolve zfighting.

  • Rotated resource cart in Brimstone Sands so the interact is accessible.

  • turned off volume fog on ambient lights.

  • Lowered Platform, no longer appears above the floor.

  • Clipping geo is no longer visible.

  • Reduce the size of the haystacks and moved them to another wall.

  • Updated Environment Probes to slightly lighten Galahad Armor at night.

  • pillars and base have been adjusted to allow for better navmesh to prevent enemy from getting stuck on pillars that allow player to exploit.

  • Completed lighting polish pass on all faction NPCs.

  • Updated pass throughs for better player experience.

  • Added 2 more AI to Greedfall Grotto to address faction quest bottleneck.

Brimstone Sands

  • Collision has been adjusted on Sutekh's Tomb so players no longer clip through it.


  • Fixed an issue where players could not vault over certain fences.

  • Updated the tooltip for the Lore Note "Condensing Corruption" to refer to the correct POI where it can be found.

  • The Long Forgotten Easels in Cutless Keys have been moved to reachable locations.

  • Corrected the description of Storms Of Vengeance achievement to correctly reference the Lightning in a Bottle quest arc.


  • Fixed bugs where the AI cannot hit the player when the player performs certain actions such as crawling, looting, harvesting or using emotes.

  • Fixed an issue where an equipped Fire Staff could unnaturally rotate during an idle animation.

  • Fixed an issue where the totems spawned by Avarice could appear with the wrong nameplate.

  • Fixed an issue where Players were not able to cancel fresh water collection.

  • Update check-ins at the Inns to first person cameras.

  • Fixed the broken art assets during the floating castle reveal cutscene in Eden Grove MSQ.

  • Polished and optimized the cutscene for the quest "Daichi Saito".

  • Polished the cutscene for the Monarch's Bluffs quest "Brigands on the Beach".

  • Fixed icon for the Goldcursed Round Shield

  • Removed ancient chest in winter rune forge as players were able to exploit and continuously farm it

  • Deleted gatherable

  • General polish to environment and props across Aeternum.

  • Updated mining nodes to prevent floating above terrain.

  • Fixed textures and geometry of shipwrecked props in OPR map.

  • Updated collision to Farharbor architecture.

  • Updated Faction Enclave models.

  • Added more detail and cleaned up Windsward Fort Tower.

  • Updated models for several architectural assets at Heavenly Rise.

  • Tier 4 Tannery station animal hide now has proper textures.

  • Resolved major texture visual artifacts across stone platform pieces.

  • The saddles at the Francois de la Rama stable no longer appear visually bugged.

  • Assigned proper materials to the boardwalks leading up to Fisherman Hovel.

  • Fixed collision on wall in upper taverns.

  • Adjusted tents texture to better represent collision.

  • Resolved inconsistent VFX error for The Abyss Artifact

  • Ser Gawain can no longer be exploited using several nav-mesh strategies after the recent area changes.

  • Apple crates now have proper collision.

  • Meadowlake Fishery, a chair is no longer floating on the stairs outside the house.

  • Vulcanus Glyphs now have proper collision.

  • Braziers in Vulcanus now have proper collision.

  • Player is no longer able to access an unintended area in Vulcanus POI.

  • Stones piles are no longer floating at Lamp of Osiris.

  • Ship debris is no longer floating in Werna Isla, Monarch’s Cluffs.

  • Ships mast now has proper collision.

  • Silver Veins no longer clipping in the mountain at the POI Deadmans Cove.

  • Brick walls in Jupiter’s Grove now have proper collision.

  • An invisible platform no longer appears here in Stairs of Tefenet.

  • Lamp is no longer floating at Reptilia Concordia.

  • Collision is no longer missing from a pillar part at Grus POI

  • The Frontlines POI logs now have proper collision.

  • Net fences now have proper collision at Festering Fishery.

  • Bushes no longer spawn in the cliffs near the Temple of Sands.

  • Statue base now has proper camera collision at Tomb of the Old Warrior POI.

  • Z-fighting textures no longer present on a stone wall in Agavaid.

  • Starfallen Sentinel no longer falls under terrain when attacking at Valle Tempus.

  • Flags at Imperial Palace Stronghold are no longer misplaced.

  • Saircor Bridge Supply crate is no longer floating in the air.

  • Leviathan Of The Deep can no longer be killed and farmed easily using a safe spot.

  • Boxes are no longer levitating in Lamentations.

  • Floor is no longer flickering in Arcturus.

  • Players can no longer exploit the Trial of the Old Warrior by jumping into the arms of the nearby statues.

  • Rock Fence is no longer Misplaced in Everfall's The Spread POI.

  • Players can no longer access the large vines that allowed the exploit.

  • Fixed broken textures in Heavenly Rise POI railing.

  • Player can no longer become stuck in the mountain near Old Tidal.

  • Madea can no longer be exploited by jumping on the rocks.

  • Player is no longer able to clip into the cliff rocks in Hornhold Labyrinth.

  • Awnings in the 3v3 arena no longer have collision.

  • Player is no longer able to exploit Avarice trial boss.

  • Pumas around Scratchrock Burrow have been adjusted so that they do not leash as early.

  • Medea boss fight can no longer be exploited by jumping on a crystal.

  • Tooltips on various POIs in Great Cleave and Shattered Mountain have had their messaging improved.

  • Character can no longer exploit the Heartforge Guardian fight with positioning.

  • Raum the Burrower fight can no longer be exploited.

  • Unnecessary collision no longer exists at South Restless Shore Watch.

  • The texture is no longer missing from the objects in Stone Skull Fort.

  • Z-Fighting no longer appears on the wall in Skysong Temple.

  • Cart wheels now have proper collision at Unbound Island.

  • Potted Dynasty trees are no longer gatherable.

  • Azoth Spring mesh is no longer clipping through rock.

  • Character can no longer become stuck in the stairs at Ruined Straits.

  • Tree no longer clipping inside cliff near Bulwark Break POI.

  • The collision is no longer missing from the corrupted tendril in Heavenly Rise.

  • Ivy meshes are no longer floating at Baozang Bay POI.

  • Pirate stairs mesh now has proper collision.

  • Buckets in Forellac now have proper collision.

  • Cliff moved to fix clipping issue.

  • Fixed a bug in Elysian Wilds where Kudzu's encounter progresses not as expected and ends too early.

  • Flag no longer has misplaced collision at Attalus's Foundry.

  • Fire and Vine are no longer floating in the air at The Plundering Shark.

  • Fishing Net no longer has collision.

  • Player is no longer able to enter a stone structure and can get stuck while inside.

  • Removed pillar that prevented damage in Apophis soul trial.

  • Stones at Saircor Bridge now have proper collision.

  • Player can no longer get stuck behind house in Greater Tribulation. There is now a way for the player to get over the tall fence.

  • The collision is no longer missing from multiple objects in Fisherman’s Hovel.

  • Stone ball now has proper collision in Sorcerer’s Delve.

  • Chairs now have proper collision in Sorcerer’s Delve.

  • The wooden pole in Crassus’s Rise is no longer floating.

  • stairs are now properly connected to the platform at the empress fortress.

  • Barrels and carts in Everfall now have proper collision.

  • Various assets at The Spread POI no longer float.

  • Crates now have proper collision in Corbenic Castle.

  • Bricks outside of the POI “Crassus’s Rise” in Brimstone Sands are no longer floating.

  • Young Trees no longer spawn inside the ground at 11382.429688 7144.139160 258.055115.

  • Several assets at Teyrnon Keep now have proper collision.

  • The mast and roof have proper collision in Shipflight Comb.

  • Walls of a burnt building now have proper collision in Misty Borough POI.

  • A hole that would allow users to get under an area of the Severed Visage POI no longer exists.

  • Corruption tendrils in Catellum Trismegistus no longer exist.

  • Candles are no longer clipping into rocks at Ascension Rime POI.

  • Seaweed mesh is no longer misplaced on South Vega bridge.

  • Ancient stone torches no longer exists at the Dynasty tower wall.

  • Multiple objects now have proper collision in Walsham.

  • Masts at Shipflight Comb now have proper collision.

  • Player Can no longer Fall Between Walls and Rock Surface and Get Stuck in Apostate Nave POI.

  • Dead Trees no longer Clip Into Wall Structure in Corpus Angoris POI

  • Bush assets in Primrose are no longer floating.

  • Gatherables no longer spawn in the wooden platform in Dunkelberg.

  • Shipwreck at Imperial Shipwreck now has proper collision.

  • Multiple Dead trees that were clipping through walls at Heavenly Rise are no longer clipping into the walls.

  • Sacks in Soulwarden’s Refuge are no longer present.

  • Corruption mound is no longer floating in Skysong Shrine.

  • Large corruption roots in Serenity Monastery POI now has proper collision.

  • Skysong Temple railing is no longer missing collision.

  • Corruption portals no longer have excess of collision on their right side.

  • Lantern now has an increased view distance.

  • Removed trees and bushes that were clipping into Buggane Hedge in Edengrove

  • Fix for Misplaced VFX at Skysong Temple

  • Corrected the transmog names of Glass Flails, Greatswords, and Hammer to better reflect their appearance: Gilded.

  • Updated Corruption Portal Flash VFX.

  • Fixed an issue with VFX after Malek cinematic.

  • Updated Impact VFX for falling icicles in Glacial Tarn.

  • Color adjustment for Adiana Theron whispers VFX.

  • Add missing variant check for prefab spawns.

  • World bosses in Elysian Wilds now display the correct icon on the pinned quests list, and will no longer cause a UI error when the player has 6 pinned quests.

  • Powder Kegs in OPR now properly snap to the ground.

  • Lintels are no longer flickering in Skysong Temple.

  • Lanterns are no longer floating in Attalus's Foundry.

  • Vegetation is now properly being culled inside various structures at The Spread POI.

  • Totem now has proper collision.

  • Gravestone now has proper collision.

  • Player can no longer get inside Sutekh's Tomb after finishing Necropolis of Sutekh Soul Trial.

  • Upleveled the seven wild boss events in Elysian Wild to elite level. Increased character size of some bosses.

  • The stairs at Mistywater Thorp no have proper collision.

  • Brimstone Sands: Circular decal no longer persists on ground outside Heru Plaza.

MSQ 2.0

  • Fixed an issue where the Greatsword was not hidden on the players’ back during an interaction on the quest to unlock Heartgems.

  • World Experience | The Heartgem is no longer visually bugged.

Notable Fixes

  • Deprecated and removed pages 2 - 15 of the Journal of Pilot Keyes that were scattered around the world but had been rendered blank.


  • Quest - A Shadow Falls (The Last Soulwarden Trial) - Fixed an issue in the Soul Trial where Yonas would sometimes not transition correctly into the next phase.

  • Fixed an issue in the Soul Trial for the final phase where the Heartgem's explosion VFX was not visible enough, if Yonas was not stopped in time.

  • Updated Gawain’s cinematic armor to match in-game.

  • Fixed an issue where the Cinematic in "Friends with Coin" quest would occasionally not trigger.

  • The camera no longer clips through wood when meeting Grace for the first time in Windsward.

  • The sword that Gawain holds is now consistent across the cutscenes and boss battle.

  • The cutscenes in the Medea Soul Trial, Gawain Soul Trial, and Heartforge Soul Trial should no longer show loading screens and now are skippable if you hold down the ESC key or equivalent controller button.

  • Fixed an issue that led to being stuck in a conversation with an NPC if you spoke to them with Musket's Powder Burn or Power Shot active.

  • Removed the player achievements associated with the old Faction Poaching Missions since those missions are no longer in the game. Now the achievements: A Bit of Larceny, Adverse Possession, Righteous Seizures, Confiscations, and Poaching In Someone’s Territory are gone and will not block players from getting the 100% in-game completion achievement.

  • Added further pins to help players find an easier path when trying to get up to the scaffolding in the quest The Great Architect.

  • More Ancient Guardians have been added to Canis for Azoth Awakening.

  • Rimefire Reavers in Secrets in the Ruins should no longer have duplicate spawns when multiple players are present. Respawn time has also been adjusted.

  • Removed the step in Beyond the Gates where players have to defeat Unhallowed Infestations as they run through Pilgrim’s Passage.

  • Placed the book into Edwarde Geoff’s hand in Cutlass Keys.

  • Changed the number of quest items from enemy mob required in Elysian Wilds, Last Stand to prevent a bottle neck due to enemy spawn rates.

  • Moved the laundry bucket for the side quest “It’s Who You Know”, so it can be accessed more easily.

  • Clarified the quest text in the quest The Betrayal of Brightrest so that players know they don’t need to interact with the grave if Moira is already present, as the only part the quest truly requires is defeating Moira.

  • Moved the diegetic pin on the Ancient Glyph Amba so it is aligned above the interact point for the glyph.

  • Shifted the campsite pin to be directly over the campsite in the quest The Nose Knows for when players have to craft the Distilled Bear Urine.

  • Changed the quest text for the step to Trim Reindeer branches to say Trim Reindeer limbs in the quest Medusa’s Monstrosities so that it better matches the item the player is collecting, Hercyne limbs.

  • Fixed the typo for “your” in the quest journal description for the Invasion of Everfall.

  • Placed the book into Edwarde Geoff’s hand in Cutlass Keys.

  • Fixed the Show of Strength Marauder Faction Mission in Everfall, where the player has to go to Dymchurch Slade. It used to complete at 0 automatically upon entering the area. Now it requires players to be in Dymchurch Slade for 90 seconds.

  • Updated the wording on the quests that introduce camping in the Main Storyline Quest series to be consistent for both starting areas.

  • It was possible to have the Everfall intro cinematic delayed if you entered the settlement for the first time on the quest that leads you there, and avoided the pinned entrance, which would trigger the cinematic when leaving. This fix triggers the cinematic no matter which entrance you take into the settlement.

  • Respawn time has been reduced for the quest target in Site Inspection.

  • Respawn times have been reduced on the knights in Relic Reclamation.

  • More alligators are now available to kill for the sidequest Gators Gone Wild.

  • Wolves should respawn more quickly for the quest No Good Deed in Everfall.

  • Reduced the respawn time on Fatimah in Ending The Madness.

  • Gate interaction during Umberto’s Sentence should now display properly.

  • Fixed the functionality of the side gates of Celliwig Ghof Sanctum in Monarch’s Bluff.

  • Removed awkward collision from some Faction members across the world.

  • For quest An Heir Transformed, made it so the Ancient Talismans drop more reliably from the enemies at the location during the quest.

  • Changed when the Faction quests are first unlocked to be after the quest Strength of a Soul instead of after the quest Old Stone Remembers, so that player are closer to the location of the starting faction NPCs.

  • Fixed when players Defeat Cursed Karburg Revenants as part of the quest The Curse of Karburg so that if they did not interact with the ancient device, the quest advances as expected and doesn’ expect players to kill twice the number of Revenants than are at the location.

  • In the quest The Untamed Garden, fixed Sun Fuchun so she walks towards the stairs after the player learns about the final mural, instead of into the mural.

  • Moved the parcel for the quest It’s Who You Know to no longer be stuck inside a tree, but placed behind it.

  • In quests The Shattered Mountain and To Prepare a Place For You, if the quest resets while players are inside locations that can only be accessed via teleporters, the teleporters should now remain in place, allowing players to exit the locations where they could potentially have been trapped, such as Russo’s Prison.

  • Moved several NPCs at Gorgon’s Landing so their feet are on the wooden planks, instead of floating above them.

  • Moved the pin for collecting Hydrangeas in the quest The Secret Ingredient to be closer to where the Hydrangeas are actually located within Nettlerest Graveyard.

  • Fixed the issue during The Untamed Garden where near the end of the quest, when players enter Inishglory Camp, the pin does’t appear over Sun's head until they are right next to her. Now the pin should appear over her soon after they enter the camp location.

  • Made it so Pride of the Trees now always drops an orb.

  • The encounters at Perseus and Lupus that have players examining the Ancient Device now have their correct titles (Perseus Stellar Research and Lupus Stellar Research, respectively), and show the proper level (Level 18), rather than having the generic name "Quest Encounter" and the level set at Level 0.

  • In Web of Lies, the crystal is now chained up from the start of the quest, and stays chained until the player interacts with it to take it.

  • Roya Hakimi can no longer be found too early next to the bridge, instead of the first location where she is near Leovix.

  • Cannons located in Dragon’s Teeth Falls and Captain Korripati’s Hideout now both count towards sabotaged cannons in the quest A Shot Across the Bow.

  • Added a pin on the teleporter to exit the Soul Trial during A God Awakens, and removed the pin on the teleporter by Imhotep once the player has exited the Soul Trial.

  • Enlarged the area in the Oxboro tavern they need to walk into before talking to Grace for the quest Speaker of the Angry Earth.

  • Made sure the description for Supply Run spells Talesa's name correctly.

  • Fixed Orbs of Power quest so that now visiting the kiln Bastion is optional and crafting or having any orb will complete the quest.

  • Hive of Gorgons faction missions now have a map pin as intended.

  • Yonas chest piece no longer clips with its head mesh when talking while seated.

  • Fixed an issue allowing the artifact quest for Ghostly Touch to be completed outside of The Citadel.

  • Fixed an issue causing Goldcursed enemies to not count towards the quest for Power Stone.

  • Fixed Legacy of Crassus event mentioning it can spawn in Edengrove when it no longer can.

Seasonal Event

  • Updated cauldron VFX to account for photosensitivity in Nightveil Hallow.

  • Fixed Legacy of Crassus event mentioning a daily rewards limit of 1 when it has been increased to 3.

  • Improved the performance of animation assets.

  • Fixed an issue where auto run could not be used while target locked.

  • Fixed a cause of server instability.

  • Inventory weight indicator in bottom right shows percentage when near full.