Crafting & Gathering
Crafting armors are now rare drops from containers in Elite POI. Crafting armors have crafting bonuses and are not intended to be the best armor for combat.
Adjusted skinning XP values to align progression more with other gathering progression rates. We found that the relative difference in value between a small/medium/large skinning actions (e.g. rabbits/wolves/bears) wasn’t great enough, which was causing the progression rate to misalign significantly over time with the tanning skill.
Reduced the overall gather speed bonus gained from progressing in a gathering skill so we could move it to the potential speed bonus range on gathering tools. Because of this, the tier and gear score of a tool is more impactful, especially when gathering higher-tier resources.
Equipment sets (such as Forsaken or Ancient equipment) now has a chance to drop from creature kills as the base equipment style, which should create more visual variety in player armor and weapons earlier in the game.
Adjusted rarity values on some food ingredients. Poultry breasts are no longer legendary, even though they’re delicious.
Adjusted perk roll odds on dropped items at all tiers, specifically to balance the number of Epics dropping. Crafting odds are tuned separately and have not been changed.
Azoths Vial now provide 50 Azoth instead of 13.
Increased the number of craftable dyes and added more dye pigments to find in the world.
Dye pigments now come from a special type of plant called Prismabloom.
Faction-specific dyes can now be purchased from each faction’s store.
While the furnishing system was functional, we weren’t happy with the play trends we were seeing due to a few issues. As such, we have changed our approach to furnishing to focus on recipe acquisition.
A limited number of recipes are available to craft by default. The rest are available as either finished pieces or as unlockable recipe schematics found in large chests around the world.
These recipes have a minimum level restriction to avoid overwhelming players early in the game, so players can expect to start finding them after the minimum house ownership level.
Schematics and completed furniture can be traded at the trading post.
Players can craft the base version of a trophy, but now must upgrade trophies by combining that base version with special items found elsewhere in the game.
The most potent trophies can only be crafted by finding special artifacts as rare drops.
There is a much wider variety of furniture available both as drops and schematics, and more will be added in future updates.
To provide easier access to social tools, we replaced the wave [H] shortcut with a quick shortcut to the Social Actions menu for any nearby player. When aiming at a player, a small [H] hint is shown in the nameplate, which if pressed, brings up the Social Actions menu along with mouse control for quickly choosing an option or dismissing the menu.

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Group Kick
The addition of Expeditions to New World has made it clear that players needed more control over groups, so we added a vote-based kick mechanic. At any time, any group member can initiate a Vote To Kick via the Social Actions menu, which creates a 1m voting window for the rest of the group to answer. There is a personal cooldown of 10 minutes between kicks, and some additional restrictions may be added in the future.